Sister of the Week: Shelby Waktins
Mackenzi Koop nominated Shelby Waktins for this week's Sister of the Week! She is always so helpful and encouraging! When I feel as if I...
Sister of the Week: Katelyn Jakovenko
Makenna Theissen nominated Katelyn Jakovenko for this week's Sister of the Week! I appreciate Katelyn in more ways than I can type out...
UK AOII will be in the Lexington Walk to Cure Arthritis
Ten days are left until the Lexington Walk to Cure Arthritis and UK AOII wants you to help us raise money for a great cause! All proceeds...
Sister of the Week: Casey McMonigle
Bella Fugate nominated Casey McMonigle for this week's Sister of the Week! Casey is the most brutally honest person I have ever met. And...