Sister of the Week: Megan Zywicki
McKenna Horsley nominated Megan Zywicki for this week's Sister of the Week! I had the pleasure of talking with Megan during her...
Sister of the Week: Lexie Pittman
Alexis Morris nominated Lexie Pittman for this week's Sister of the Week! Lexie is such a huge part of AOII. Not only is she doing a...
Sister of the Week: Megan Budoi
Erin Lay nominated Megan Budoi for this week's Sister of the Week! If you know me, I am bad about meeting people for the first time and...
Why AOII?: Erin Lay
For me, it all started with preference night at AOII where a recruiter/active was to give a letter to a PNM about their personal why AOII...